Friday, May 6, 2011

Dedicated To My Mother

   While serving a mission, the contact that I have with my family back home is very limited. We're not allowed to call or contact each other in any way other than by email once a week and by phone twice a year. That's why it was such a surprise for me when I got a message from my mom on facebook a couplethree months ago. She got permission to write me and proceeded to inform me that she had a cancerous tumor in her brain. She has been fighting cancer since 1992 and, needless to say, it's been quite the ongoing battle for my family. When I left on my mission back in July of 2009, she was regularly going in for chemotherapy treatments and was actually doing quite well. I was definitely not expecting to hear that her cancer had, once again (for the 5th time), come back.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland shares an encouraging tribute to mothers who, through both challenges and accomplishments, work in partnership with God to raise His children

  When I first read the news, I was overwhelmed with many negative feelings - fear, stress, sadness, and despair. For some reason, I went to the Church's YouTube Site  and found myself searching for videos about Christ. I  watched a particular "Mormon Message" that really touched me entitled, "Lifting Burdens: The Atonement of Jesus Christ." As I watched with humility and a very open heart, more feelings overcame me. This time, the feelings I felt were those of peace, love, gratitude for my Savior, hope, and comfort.
  It was incredible to feel a change in my countenance as I let the Spirit of God weave into the fibers of my being. We will never be able to wrap our minds around the atoning sacrifice of our Savior. I do not understand how He did it. I don't fully understand how it all works. However, I am able to feel of the power, cleansing and the purifying effect that it can have on me as I sincerely seek for Christ.

   I am eternally grateful for my Savior who took upon Himself all the sorrows that come to us as mortals. I am also grateful for my wonderful, loving mother who has been such an example to me through this great trial. In this past general conference, Russel M. Nelson gave a talk titled, "Face the Future With Faith." In this talk, he said that parents bear the primary responsibility to strengthen the faith of their children. He counseled parents, "Let them feel your faith, even when sore trials come upon you. Let your faith be focused on our loving Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ." With gratitude in my heart, I can say that my mom has been the greatest example of this in my life. Despite the trials, unexpected heartaches, and misfortunes that have come her way, she has always moved forward with faith and has known that everything will work out for the better - and it always has! She has overcome countless health issues and struggles; And I attribute these miracles to her unwavering faith in our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness and His Son Jesus Christ.

  She has shown me the example of how I must face opposition when it comes my way. President Gardner has told me many times, "You don't get to choose all your challenges, but you get to choose how you react to them." Especially at this Mothers Day season, I thank you mom for always being so strong, so faithful, and so patient despite the negative things that have come your way. I would not be the person I am today if it weren't for your continuous example and love towards me. You have taught me more than words can say. Thank you. I love you mom!


  1. What a special, special tribute Ingela! You have such a wonderful son who loves you so much! What a remarkable missionary and person! You really are amazing Ingela and have always been such a GREAT example to me!

  2. I visit-taught your mom when we were both newlyweds and Sarah was the only person she was teaching Swedish to. I have never forgotten her spirit and the grace with which she faces daily life. I was so thrilled to have found her on Facebook just to get a glimpse again after all of these years. Thank you for sharing this deserved tribute. Our love and prayers.

  3. Kristina KääriäMay 7, 2011 at 12:28 PM

    Enjoyed reading your thoughts about life, the gospel, Jesus Christ and your mum, my sister!
    You are such a mature and spirital young man. Im so proud of you! Have a great few months in Montana and in the Lords arrends!
    Thank You! Im saying Amen to all that you wrote!
    Aunti Kristina

  4. Your thoughts pulled on my heart strings! My Dad passed away from pancreatic cancer the Spring of 1991, leaving my Mom a widow with 9 children (Five still living at home, the youngest age 2). Mom's health was not good, and one of her greatest desires was to live long enough to raise the children to adulthood that still lived at home. Heavenly Father honored that desire. She passed away from kidney cancer the Spring of 2009, a week after my youngest sisters 20th birthday.
    My Mother, like your beloved Mother, was so strong and resiliant in the face of her trials, tribulations and opposition. She truly "fought a good fight, finished her course, and kept the faith" (see 2 Timothy 4:7).
    May your dear Mother continue to be blessed in her battle with cancer. With loving thoughts, she is in my prayers.
    Sister Dixie Linnell


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